Schweizerisches Verpackungsinstitut SVI - Bahnhofstrasse 7 - 4600 Olten +41 31 302 30 03 info(at)

Der Preis für die besten Verpackungen in der Schweiz

Swiss Packaging Award

Wettbewerbsreglement Gewinner 2024

Ehre wem Ehre gebührt

Swiss Packaging Award

Preisverleihung 2024

Preisverleihung 2024


Swiss Packaging Award

Der Preis für die besten Verpackungen in der Schweiz



noch nicht möglich

Kategorien & Kriterien

Kategorien & Kriterien

Öffentlichkeitswirksame Präsentation Ihres Produktes, Ihrer Marke und Ihres Unternehmens



Plattform für Kreativität und Innovation der Verpackungsbranche



Ruhm und Ehre, die über Jahre währt

TIMELINE Swiss Packaging Award 2025

The submission window opens on: March 01, 2025 – May 01, 2025

Submission of packaging samples: June 02 – 06, 2025

Award ceremony: September 11, 2025

Your advantages

Fame and glory for your innovation

  • Intensive media work and presentation of the winners and nominees to the daily and trade press by the SVI
  • Publicly effective presentation of your product, brand and company
  • Use of the “Swiss Packaging Award” signet for all winners and nominees
  • Winning the Swiss Packaging Award entitles the winner to participate in the World Star Award
  • Winner trophy for the winners, certificates for the winners and nominees
  • Your packaging is evaluated by an independent jury of experts
  • Motivation for your own company and employees


The Swiss Packaging Award is presented by an expert, neutral and broad-based jury. The jury is composed of various representatives along the lifecycle of a packaging as well as neutral and independent experts from the Swiss industry.

The judging will be led by jury president Stefan Jüde (J packaging gmbh).

The jury members undertake to comply with the following rules:

– They judge neutrally.
– The discussion during the evaluation is treated confidentially.
– Majority decisions are recognized by every member.
– If the entry is judged by a company for which a jury member works,
   he/she abstains from voting.

In terms of content, the focus is on promoting and recognizing holistically designed packaging solutions, regardless of the packaging material chosen. The jury will evaluate the entries only in the categories in which the packaging solution has been submitted. However, it reserves the right to assign a submission to another category if the category selected is obviously incorrect.

The jury evaluates the submitted packaging solutions using a strictly regulated, two-stage selection process. At the end of the judging days, the nominees will be selected and publicly published. Winners will not be announced until the awards ceremony.

Conditions of participation

The competition is open to innovative packaging, packaging aids, displays (product-carrying systems, presentation elements) as well as packaging and packaging systems developed, designed, manufactured or distributed by Swiss companies or persons or by foreign companies or persons who have introduced their entries to the Swiss market. Several packages can be sent per sender.


Companies with more than 10 employees

SVI members: CHF 750.- for the first submission, CHF 550.- for each additional submission
Non-members: CHF 1100.- for the first submission, CHF 850.- for each additional submission

Public price:
SVI members: CHF 300.- for the first, Fr. 220.- for each additional registration
Non-members: CHF 450.- for the first, Fr. 350.- for each additional registration

Microenterprises with max. 10 employees

SVI members: CHF 650.- for the first registration, CHF 450.- for each additional registration
Non-members: CHF 800.- for the first registration, CHF 600.- for each additional registration

Audience Award:

SVI members: CHF 200.- for the first registration, CHF 120.- for each additional registration
Non-members: CHF 300.- for the first registration, CHF 220.- for each additional registration

Included is the participation in the award ceremony for one person per submitting company.

Pupils and students can take part in the competition FREE OF CHARGE with packaging solutions that have not been launched on the market (category Young Talent Award according to registration).

Unsere kompetente Jury



Wissenswertes zu Verpackungen