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Swiss Packaging Award


Swiss Packaging Award - Wettbewerbsreglement

1. purpose

The Swiss Packaging Award honors the best packaging in Switzerland. It is the only platform for companies in the Swiss packaging industry to present their innovative packaging solutions across all sectors. The aim of this national competition is to demonstrate the creativity and innovative strength of the Swiss packaging industry. Winning the Swiss Packaging Award is a condition of entry for the international “World Star” competition.

2. goals

The Swiss Packaging Award aims to recognize outstanding achievements in packaging, thus helping to promote knowledge of the many-sided functions of packaging and helping consumers to recognize the benefits of good packaging. The Swiss Packaging Award manifests this platform for innovative and forward-looking packaging solutions. Participants benefit from the opportunity to present themselves as a company to a broad public.

3. acceptance of the regulations

Participation in the Swiss Packaging Award competition implies acceptance of this
Regulations as well as the decisions of the jury.

4. participation

1) Conditions of participation

Innovative packaging as well as packaging and packaging systems that are developed, designed, manufactured or distributed by Swiss companies or persons or by foreign companies or persons that have introduced their entry to the Swiss market are eligible. Several packages can be sent per sender.

2) Categories and criteria

One can submit a packaging solution in the following categories:

Kategorie A: Nachhaltigkeit

Kategorie B: Convenience

Kategorie C: Design

Kategorie D: Marketing

Kategorie E: Technik / Konstruktion / Maschinensysteme

Category F: Reusable packaging / systems


Audience Award
The audience award is not determined by the jury, but by consumers via a public online vote. The only condition for
participation in the Audience Award is participation in the regular Swiss Packaging Award.

Special prize from the jury
The special prize is awarded by the jury for exceptional and innovative solutions. Er muss nicht zwingend vergeben werden.

Prototypes as well as already developed packaging solutions can be submitted in each category.

Displays can be submitted in any category. However, only “goods-carrying display” will be accepted. Thus, communication displays/walls where there are no goods for sale are not evaluated.

Each package can be submitted in a maximum of two categories. Excluded from this is the audience award, here you can always submit your packaging solution.

The main criterion of evaluation is the degree of innovation in the particular category in which a package has been submitted. The entry will be judged only in the category submitted. However, the jury reserves the right to assign a submission to another category if the chosen category is obviously wrong.

5th jury

1) Composition of the jury

The Swiss Packaging Award is presented by an expert, neutral and broad-based jury. The jury is composed of various representatives along the lifecycle of a packaging as well as neutral and independent experts from the Swiss industry. The judging is led by the jury president.

The jury is composed of at least 12 people:

– Jury president: He presides over the jury days and clarifies cases of discussion. If possible, he or she should have served as a jury member for several years prior to this office.
have been active.

– One to two jury members per category (except Young Talent and Audience Award).

– One jury member per packaging material: corrugated cardboard, fine cardboard/paper, plastic, glass, aluminum/metal/sheet metal, labels.

– Representatives of the patronage partners.

Jury members agree to abide by the following rules:

– Each jury member judges neutrally.

– The discussion during the evaluation will be treated confidentially.

– Strict confidentiality of the information until the award ceremony.

– The majority decision applies. Majority decisions are recognized by each member.

– If the entry is judged by a company for which a jury member works, he or she will abstain from voting.

2) Determination of the jury

The jury president is appointed by the SVI office and serves for four years. If possible, an existing jury member will be proposed as jury president. After the expiration of the term of office the jury president has on the one hand the right to give up his office without giving reasons, on the other hand the SVI office has the possibility to dismiss the jury president from his office by giving reasons. There is no term limit.

The jury members will be determined in consultation between the SVI office and the jury president. Jury members from SVI member companies will be given preference. In case of disagreement, the SVI office has the final right of determination. Each member of the jury undertakes to participate in the judging process for at least two years. After two years, the jury member has the right to leave the jury without giving reasons, and the SVI office has the right to dismiss the member from the jury, giving reasons.

3) Adjudication

Jury members must be neutral and vote for their own company without casting a vote. The main criterion of evaluation is the degree of innovation in the particular category in which the packaging has been submitted.

The duration of the award is 1.5 days. The jury location should be as accessible as possible for all jury members. Preference is given to finding neutral meeting venues or looking for suitable premises at SVI member companies. Dinner and hotel accommodation will be paid by SVI. No other expenses will be reimbursed.

6. costs

SVI members: CHF 750.- for the first submission, CHF 550.- for each additional submission

Non-members: CHF 1100.- for the first submission, CHF 850.- for each additional submission

Audience Award:

SVI members: CHF 300.- for the first registration, CHF 220.- for each additional registration

Non-members: CHF 450.- for the first registration, CHF 350.- for each additional registration

Microenterprises (max. 10 employees):

SVI members: CHF 650.- for the first registration, CHF 450.- for each additional registration

Non-members: CHF. 800.- for the first registration, CHF 600.- for each additional registration

Audience Award:

SVI members: CHF 200.- for the first registration, CHF 120.- for each additional registration

Non-members: CHF 300.- for the first registration, CHF 220.- for each additional registration

Included is the participation in the award ceremony for one person per submitting company.

Pupils and students can take part in the competition FREE OF CHARGE with packaging solutions that have not been launched on the market (category Young Talent Award according to registration).

Berne, September 2023
