This user manual guides you through the key steps for creating, managing and submitting due diligence declarations. At the same time, you will learn about important tools such as the GeoEditor and the "Copy as new" function.
This user manual guides you through the key steps for creating, managing and submitting due diligence declarations. At the same time, you will learn about important tools such as the GeoEditor and the "Copy as new" function.
Hochdorf, 23.06.2023: Die BACHMANN GROUP setzt durch Inbetriebnahme ihrer Solaranlage mit Leichtbau-Flex-Modulen neue Massstäbe für erneuerbare Energien. Die BACHMANN GROUP, ein führender Verpackungsanbieter, feiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein mit der Inbetriebnahme einer der grössten Solarinstallationen im Kanton Luzern.
Welcome to the packaging elite Congratulations to 9 new packaging managers on receiving the federal diploma! From top left to right: Stephanie Deppeler, DOMACO / Dr. medical Aufdermaur AG Antonio Vidakovic, MODEL AG Marco Uehlinger, Schelling AG
It's about time! And so we decided to create a new, modern website for you. More information, more topicality for those interested in packaging was the motto. A new and fresh insight into the daily business of
New mandatory labeling for packaging in Italy as of mid-2022 The new mandatory labeling of packaging in Italy, scheduled for the beginning of 2022, was postponed at the last minute to June 30, 2022. The following are
Researchers at Empa, together with Lidl Switzerland, have developed a cellulose protective coating for fruit and vegetables. The novel coating is made from pomace - pressed fruit and vegetable peels. Plastikverpackungen im Lebensmittelhandel schützen Obst und Gemüse
Die Kunststoffverarbeiterin Semadeni AG aus Ostermundigen hat das Swiss Triple Impact Programm als erste Schweizer Industrieunternehmung erfolgreich durchlaufen und wurde ins STI Directory aufgenommen.Ein wichtiger Schritt in der nachhaltigen Transformation und zur Unterstützung der UN Agenda 2030!Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich dem