EUDR" webinar
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Webinar with Zoom
14.00 – 15.30
The EU regulation for deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR) aims to prevent the ongoing deforestation in order to protect biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The regulation affects not only the wooden packaging and pallet industry, but also paper and cardboard manufacturers who want to supply the EU.
What is the EUDR
In the last 30 years, we have lost an area of forest worldwide that is larger in total than the European Union. Forest degradation and deforestation are still progressing at an enormous rate, which is only exacerbating global warming and the loss of biodiversity.
However, the growth of prosperity and the economy cannot be endlessly expanded at the expense of the environment. As early as 2013, the EU therefore put an initial stop to deforestation with the EU Timber Regulation EUTR (in the German implementation, the Timber Trade Security Act HolzSiG). However, the standards and enforcement of the EUTR have been repeatedly criticized as weak.
As part of the Green Deal, the EU is now tightening its measures with the EUDR. The first introduction, placing on the market/making available on the EU internal market and export of certain goods for which forests have been cleared or forest ecosystems damaged since the beginning of 2021 will soon be prohibited. Regardless of whether this forest is located in Switzerland, Germany or Brazil.
On October 2, 2024, the EU Commission proposed postponing the implementation of the EUDR, originally planned for December 30, 2024, by one year. The implementation of this proposal still requires the approval of the European Council and the EU Parliament.”
Our speaker
Tobias Stäuble
Global Traceability
Specialist for timber legality and traceability
Senior researcher for WRI with more than 25 years of experience in the forest-based sector. He has conducted field research on legality assurance systems for timber and published with WRI and FAO on traceability systems.

Conditions of participation. Prices (excl. VAT in each case) are as follows:
– CHF 120.- for SVI members / VHPI members
– CHF 240.- for non-members
The registration deadline is November 10, 2024
Registration form for the webinar “EUDR”
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